ハンター英会話 | 日野市高幡不動の英会話教室



2024 / 12 / 03  19:05

From autumn leaves to Christmas cheer








The season of autumn leaves has arrived, but the air has turned much colder these days. How is everyone doing? At Takahata Fudoson, the beautiful red maples and golden ginkgo trees surround the statue of Isami Kondo and the five-story pagoda, creating an amazing view. 

It feels like autumn has just just begun, but time flies—Christmas decorations have already appeared throughout the classrooms! The second-floor classroom has also had a bit of a makeover, giving it a refreshed and cozy atmosphere. 

Wishing everyone good health and a wonderful Christmas and New Year season!

2024 / 11 / 13  19:54

The start of autumn

 ハロウィンが終わりました。外は暗くなるのが早く夜はとても冷える様になってきましたね。10月末、ハンター英会話の子供達はハロウィンウイークを楽しみました!ゲームやお化けの話の動画を観たり、カカシを作ったりもしました!レッスンの最後には生徒さんたちは「Trick or Treat!」と言いながら集まりいたずらされたくなかったので、みんなにお菓子をあげました!次のイベントはクリスマスウイーク!今からとても楽しみです!

Halloween is behind us, and it has finally cooled down. The last week of October, the younger students of HEC had Halloween Week! We played some games, watched a spooky video and made a scarecrow together. At the end of the lesson, we didn’t want to be tricked so all the kids got a treat!

We’re already looking forward to Christmas week!

S__6889479.jpg Halloween week kids.jpg

2024 / 06 / 13  18:28

Summer in Takahatafudo

Summer in Takahatafudo

The arrival of the rainy season seems delayed this year, but beautiful hydrangeas have started blooming at the Takahatafudo temple! Many people are coming to enjoy the Hydrangea Festival, which runs from June 1st to the end of the month.

This summer is going to be very hot, so let’s be careful and start preparing our bodies for hot weather!





2024 / 04 / 19  10:59

Spring is back!

Spring is back!

The cherry blossoms have finally fallen off. Did you go "flower viewing" (ohanami) this year?

We can now see some beautiful fringed iris at the Takahatafudo temple, as well as fresh green maple leaves.

Why don't you go there for a walk and listen to the Japanese bush warblers singing?




2024 / 04 / 13  16:27



In March, we held a presentation week where the children from the kid’s lessons gave a presentation about their favorite thing.
We heard many interesting presentations about many topics: panda’s, family, trains, games… Some children practiced at home every day!
In autumn, we will do another presentation week. Good job everyone! Let’s do our best to do an even longer presentation in the autumn!


Many students are studying eiken. We teach eiken of all different levels. One of our students recently passed the eiken pre-2 exam.
It’s a very high level so everyone is very proud of him! Good job, Yuuki!


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2025.02.13 Thursday